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A Better View

Art Theme:

Frank Water Collection

Campaign Sculpture


£2250 + VAT

“A better view” talks about the freedom that Frank Waters works gives girls and women in the communities they work in. Thanks to pumps and water systems installed by their work, women and girls are saved from walking with heavy water pots on their heads for hours a day to feed, wash and cook with, the girls can now go to school, and women are freer to learn or earn extra income for their families which survive on very little. On world water day its worth remembering how lucky we are to have water a mere step away with the twist of a tap, when so many across the world are struggling to find any at all.

This sculpture has been created as part of the Frank Water Collaboration Collection. 50% of the profit of each piece will go towards supporting their work.   Read more about my 'Collaborations with Frank Water - carrying water'

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