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Balance - The educational Edge

Art Theme:

Frank Water Collection

Campaign Sculpture


£3,400 + VAT

“The Educational Edge” celebrates the power of education in Frank Waters work. Anyone who has travelled to India and Nepal knows that the women in communities like the one in Madhya Pradesh that inspired this piece are hard as nails , and the 22 year old chief of this village was no exception. Reena like all women typical of these rural villages was pure poise, elegance, and understated ferocity - its easy to see why she earned the respect of her village. With their tenacity and humour, these women totally inspire me every day to, frankly, “try harder, and “do better”!

When I visited with Frank Water to see the effects of their work 18 months ago I was so struck by how charged up and excited the women were about the work that Frank Water is doing through their partner organisation here called PSI (People’s Science Institute). Education has been a core part of their work here, and has literally given this community such power to make so many changes. Education about Chlorosis, safe water and sanitation has improved the health of the community hugely, and women are learning how to lead and ask government for the changes they want to see, and then implement them. Girls and women dont have to walk miles for water, so they can go to school, and use the time for an extra income, and they even have some loos. There are downsides too though - when I asked if there were any negatives to the changes that they have seen, the common dinominator was that no-one liked cleaning the loos!

It is still a tricky balance though... This sculpture nods to the influence of technological change taking place in these rural communities - Reena had her mobile firmly in hand (and so in the sculpture too) and it is interesting to see the juxtaposition of traditional rural life next to the faster pace that technology brings.

This is the 1st edition of 9 and 50% of the profit will go to support Frank Waters incredible work. Please get in touch if you would like to own it!

This sculpture has been created as part of the Frank Water Collaboration Collection. 50% of the profit of each piece will go towards supporting their work.   Read more about my 'Collaborations with Frank Water - carrying water'

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